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Pregnancy Health Insurance With No Waiting Period

Pregnancy Health Insurance With No Waiting Period

Pregnancy Benefit covers the medical charges related to pregnancy, childbearing, hospitalization, pre and post-natal care and other affiliated costs as specified in your policy. It comes moreover as an added benefit in your health insurance policy or can be bought as an add-on/ rider benefit. However, all pregnancy benefit coverage come with an original waiting period during which no coverage is handed for pregnancy related charges. This waiting period generally ranges from 9 months to 6 times, only after the completion of which any claims can be raised

Pregnancy Benefit covers the medical charges related to pregnancy, childbearing, hospitalization, pre and post-natal care and other affiliated costs as specified in your policy. It comes moreover as an added benefit in your health insurance policy or can be bought as an add-on/ rider benefit. However, all pregnancy benefit coverage come with an original waiting period during which no coverage is handed for pregnancy related charges. This waiting period generally ranges from 9 months to 6 times, only after the completion of which any claims can be raised


Is there any Pregnancy Health Insurance Without any Waiting Period?

Considering the soaring costs of medical installations and the innumerous liabilities that come with new parenting, it's necessary to buy Maternity Benefit to insure a safe and smooth childbirth experience.

Unfortunately, there's no Pregnancy Benefit Cover with Zero or No waiting period. The length of this staying period, still, might vary from 9 months to 6 times across insurance providers.

The only case of a zero-staying period in Maternity Benefit is the Group Insurance Policy handed by companies to their  workers, wherein the  staying period is waived off in some cases, and the  ensured is covered for Maternity from the  launch. still, this is veritably private and depends on a case-to-case base. Also, the Group Medical Plans come with their own set of limitations and hence it's always wise to invest in a redundant medical content. There's also an option to incompletely cut down the staying period by paying an advanced decoration. still, indeed in such a case, you can't abate the staying period in Maternity Benefit.

Hence, it's always a wise decision to plan ahead and buy a Pregnancy Benefit and child cover important previous to the time when you might need it.

When to Buy a health insurance with Pregnancy Benefit Coverage

Now that we know about the ineluctable addition of a staying period in Maternity Benefit Cover, the significance of planning ahead becomes all the more apparent. The introductory premise behind deciding “ When is the right time to buy Health Insurance with Maternity Benefit Cover ”, is the fact that you should have enough time to complete the staying period before you can use the maternity benefits.

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Maternity Benefit Cover is, no doubt, a critical aspect of a planned pregnancy. It is, in fact, pivotal if you want to save your fund from being hit and enjoy the complete happiness of drinking  the new member in the family.

Why you should plan ahead for health Insurance with Pregnancy Benefit Cover

Here are the top reasons why you should plan ahead for Health Insurance with Maternity Benefit Cover:

  • ·       Maternity Benefit Cover comes with a staying period of 9 months to 6 times
  • ·       A pregnant existent can’t buy Maternity Benefit Cover. There's no benefit indeed if bought in advance but within the staying period term. Hence, it should be taken much previous, to cover the staying period
  • ·       The average cost to deliver a baby in utmost civic metropolises is at least $500 to $700. It becomes an expensive affair without Maternity Benefit Cover, and why dodge the expenditure when there's an option of coverage available? Just plan it timely.

·        Most couples in India are alive about parenting due to the fiscal liabilities that come with it. Leave the apprehensions behind and just plan the Maternity and Child Benefit Cover in time to cover your charges for the same.


Who Should Buy Health Insurance with Pregnancy Benefit Cover

In general, any individual or couple that wishes to embrace parenting should consider buying maternity and child benefit content, the critical keyword then being “Timely”. Depending on colorful factors, maternity benefit cover should be bought by:

  • ·        Couples who plan to go on their family way in a two times time (or sooner if your policy provides so).
  • ·        Couples who have a child and plan to have another in a many years.

·        Couples who plan to get wedded soon and embrace parenting soon after. In such a case, at least one of the mates should consider buying pregnancy benefit cover enough much in advance.



FAQ about Waiting period Maternity Benefit Cover

  • ·       Can I buy maternity coverage when I'm pregnant?

Unfortunately, pregnancy coverage is considered as a Pre-existing condition by health insurers and hence has a staying period. So, your pregnancy coverage might not spark incontinently if you take it during pregnancy. That’s why it’s always better you conclude for it well in advance.


  • ·       How to go about choosing the best Pregnancy Benefit cover?

Before they ’re indeed born, we want the best for them. No wonder choosing the right maternity benefit cover can get so confusing. Whether you ’re looking to conclude for a maternity benefit in your current individual health insurance or are getting individual health insurance for the first time, the following are some effects to keep in mind

1.      Conclude for it in advance: Always conclude for the maternity benefit well in advance. Benefits like Maternity and Critical ails generally have a staying period before you can use them.

Therefore, whether you ’re going to get wedded soon or are planning to start a family in the coming one to two years, this would be the ideal time to conclude for the maternity benefit in your current health insurance or new health insurance plan.

2.      Check Sum Insured: Sum Insured is the amount you ’ll get to compensate for expenses during delivery and hospitalization. The average cost of delivering a baby in civic India moment ranges from about $400 to $700, and a C- section could bring you up to $800 to $1000.

Therefore, you must check how important the maternity benefit in your health insurance will cover and consequently make a choice grounded on your fiscal feasibility.

3.      Benefits: It’s called Maternity benefit for a reason! Every health insurance has different benefits it offers to its policyholders. Therefore, compare maternity benefits in different health insurance plans and choose a plan that suits your requirements the stylish.

Do they cover C- sections? Do they offer coverage for fertility- related issues? For how long is the child covered post-pregnancy? Does it cover sanitarium room rent? Do they offer cashless agreements? etc., are some questions you could keep in mind.

4.      Cashless agreement: A cashless agreement is a benefit some health insurance companies offer to their policyholders. This means that during a claim, in this case during delivery, you don’t need to pay or repay any quantum but rather, can make a cashless claim if the concerned sanitarium is covered by the insurer.

During a chaotic and stressful time like gestation and uncertain labour, similar benefits can help you a long way. Therefore, choosing a maternity cover or insurance that offers cashless agreement could be one deciding factor when choosing the stylish pregnancy benefit cover.

  • ·       What are the miscalculations to avoid while concluding for a Pregnancy Benefit Cover?

Ø  Opting for the cover too late, two to three months before getting pregnant or during the time of your pregnancy. In this case, you won’t be eligible to claim under this benefit.

Ø  Not checking the sum ensured. The primary use of this cover is to that you ’re compensated for charges that arise during your pregnancy.

Therefore, it’s important to check how important is your sum ensured in this case and check whether it ’ll be sufficient or not.


Ø  Claiming before the staying period is over. It’s important to check for staying periods before you claim for your separate covers. It’s only after the completion of the needed maternity cover staying period can you claim for maternity- related charges.

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